The city they live in is inhabited both by humans and robots. Similar to the city from Machinarium, but it's more overgrown and is a lot more colourful and vibrant. Also, there's a lot more "standard" (i guess) houses.


FLORKA, she/her

  • a human inventor (of what?? idk)
  • when not in her workshop, Florka can be found in various parts of the city, exploring abandoned factories or wandering through the city's markets with Laura by her side
  • keeps every little wire, colourful rock and glass marble she receives form Laura

  • LAURA, she/her

  • a robot
  • she can usually be found tending to plants in their greenhouse or walking around and exploring the city
  • enjoys helping Florka with her work - sometimes she's actually helpful, other times she brings Florka random (useless) things she finds and is like "here, take this :)"